The Dubois County
Republican Committee
The Dubois County Republican Central Committee is composed of the precinct committeemen and vice-committeemen from the 40 precincts in the twelve Dubois County townships. To become a precinct committeeman a person must (1) file for and win election to the position at the May nominating primary in a presidential election year; or, in case of a vacancy, (2) be appointed to the position by the county chairman. The person who is elected as the precinct committeeman at the primary appoints a person (of the opposite sex) who must be a qualified elector of the precinct and a member in good standing of the Republican Party, as vice-committeeman. The county chairman is empowered to fill vacancies in the position of vice-committee person by appointment. Precinct committeemen‘s term of office begins immediately upon their election or appointment and continues for four years or until the next presidential primary election year.
A chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and such other officers and subcommittees as the committee may deem necessary are elected in March following the presidential election. The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer serve a term of four years. Meetings of the county committee may be convened at any time upon the call of the chairman, or upon written notice signed by not less than one half of the members of the committee. In compliance with State Party Rules, the Dubois County Republican Committee adopted local Rules and Resolutions on March 6, 2021.
P. O. Box 532
Jasper, IN 47547-0532

The Indiana Republican
State Committee
Republican County Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen in each congressional district elect District Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen. These officers, in turn, meet in Indianapolis as the State Committee and select a Chairman,
Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. The State Committee maintains a State Headquarters and employs a professional staff.
The Rules of the Indiana Republican Party govern the state and county organizations. State Rules are amended and adopted as needed following the recommendations of the Rules Committee, one of five permanent standing committees of the State Committee. Rules of the Indiana Republican State Committee adopted on March 2, 2016 are currently in effect.
101 W Ohio Street
Suite 2200
Indianapolis, IN 46204
The National Republican Committee
The National Republican Committee is based in Washington, D.C. Each state in the nation elects two national committee representatives, one woman and one man. The national committee representatives are elected by the State Committee just prior to the State Convention in the years a National Convention is held. The national committee representatives select the national officers for the party; host the quadrennial national convention that nominates presidential and vice-presidential candidates; and, raise money to help elect Republican candidates at all levels. See for more information.